A journey through

flavours, rooted in


International dishes using local ingredients. Local ingredients mean everything is as fresh as possible but this doesn’t need to limit us to only eating British dishes (although we love those too) .

Sally has lived in Peru and India and travelled widely in Asia and South America gathering an understanding of regional cuisines and what makes them special and loves to re-create them using the abundance of the Moray area.

Crafting custom culinary


We have a collection of packages to suit most occasions but we would love to make a bespoke event just for you. Sally will take the time to understand your unique needs and desires, customizing each menu for the event and the client. Whether it's a wedding in the wilds, an intimate supperclub, or a private dinner, every dish exudes authenticity and heart.

Real Food

Real Passion

Sally believes in real cooking. That means butter, not margarine; freshly ground spices, not pre-packed mixes. Sourced directly from the Lethan Croft Garden or from local suppliers like Grampian Graziers, Bruntlands Market Garden and MacBeths Butcher, each ingredient is a tribute to the richness of Scotland’s land and sea.